Hi Adelina, its not first time I believe I leave you such a comment in one of your scores. Is there not way for your webdesinger to create a shopping basket where we can sign and add items to the basket for a later buying like in many other stores?
I currently come into songs like this which I dont want to buy straight away but which I will like to have located in the shopping basket at a later time
Yes of course you can always add them within youtube to a certain list but your covers list are easier to see from your one website and from here cant be added/keept from later if you know what I meant
Hi Adelina, its not first time I believe I leave you such a comment in one of your scores. Is there not way for your webdesinger to create a shopping basket where we can sign and add items to the basket for a later buying like in many other stores?
I currently come into songs like this which I dont want to buy straight away but which I will like to have located in the shopping basket at a later time
Yes of course you can always add them within youtube to a certain list but your covers list are easier to see from your one website and from here cant be added/keept from later if you know what I meant